
绪论 单元测试
1、How may units are there in this course?
答案: 【

2、How will you learn this course?
A: watch online lectures
B:complete the tasks
C:participate in the discussion on the course forum
D:take the tests and the final examination
答案: 【
watch online lectures
complete the tasks
participate in the discussion on the course forum
take the tests and the final examination

3、When was the company GTech founded?
答案: 【

4、What are the major business activities of GTech?
A: developing intelligent robots by applying advanced technologies like AI and VR
B: selling robots
C:researching the implementation of the advanced technologies
D:digital media business and publication
答案: 【
developing intelligent robots by applying advanced technologies like AI and VR
researching the implementation of the advanced technologies

5、Who are the three main characters from GTech?
A:John Peters
B:Wang Wei
C:Amy Li
D:Chen Ming
答案: 【
John Peters
Wang Wei
Amy Li

案例一 单元测试
1、 材料:Complete the following candidate rejection email by filling in the blanks with the choices in the box.

1、1)___in the position of research analyst in Health and Co. We appreciate the time you have put in the job application and interview process.


答案: 【


Read the following formal email and choose the suitable expression in each pair in italics.

【1】 We appreciate your interest in Sundell Development Co., Ltd. and the of marketing manager in our company.( )
【2】 to inform you that your application has not been successful and the position has been given to another candidate. ( )
A.I regret
B.I am sorry
【3】 From your we can see that your skills perfectly suit this post but we are someone who has spent time in a manufacturing company before.( )
B.curriculum vitae
D.looking for

【4】 grateful for the opportunity to speak with you.
A.We are

案例二 单元测试

【1】 Read the following pairs of sentences and decide which is more precise and clear.
A.Some people prefer to use eye contact to establish strong emotional connections.
B.Seventy percent of the people interviewed use eye contact to form emotional connections.

【2】 Read the following pairs of sentences and decide which is more precise and clear.
A.A ubiquitous technique among presenters is using a precarious method to indemnify their audience’s attention.
B.A common technique among presenters is using a risky method to keep their audience’s attention.
【3】 Read the following pairs of sentences and decide which is more precise and clear.
A.We have a crisis at hand. This threatens to destabilize the status quo and usher in a new era.
B.We are at the threshold of a crisis situation which threatens to destabilize the status quo and usher in the dawn of a new era of change.
【1】 Read the following pairs of evidence and find out which one is more convincing.
A.Some men spend their free time playing video games or watching TV instead of communicating with their girlfriends or wives.
B.According to research conducted by the AAOG, about 25% of men between the ages of 20-35 prefer to spend their free time playing video games or watching TV. However, 36% of men still prefer to communicate with their girlfriends or wives.

【2】 Read the following pairs of evidence and find out which one is more convincing.
A.Happy Magazine has conducted a poll, asking its audience, 97.3% of whom is female, to answer one question: How do you deal with stress? As a result, 64% of those who answered said that when they feel stressed, they go shopping, and it helps them feel better.
B.Women may efficiently deal with daily stress with the help of shopping.

【3】 Read the following pairs of evidence and find out which one is more convincing.
A.Are Botox injections a safe alternative to facelifts? According to an interview with Dr. N. O. Worries, there are no dangerous side-effects associated with Botox injections. Dr. Worries, performing hundreds of Botox injections each month, is well-established as a physician in New York City, and has her own private practice. She claims she has never had a serious problem with any of her injections, and her patients have never reported any side-effect.
B.Botox injections are a safe alternative to facelifts.

案例三 单元测试
1、How to explain graphs moderately?
A:Pick main points
B:Use concise language
C:Group similar data together
D:Explain all the data in details
答案: 【
Pick main points
Group similar data together

2、According to the passage Trends in logistics in America, which are the major trends of American logistics industry?
A:Warehouse robotics in the supply chain
B:The race for the last mile
C:The rise of the virtual logistics team
D:Expanding market for manual distribution centers
答案: 【
Warehouse robotics in the supply chain
The race for the last mile
The rise of the virtual logistics team

3、Which techniques can you use to explain technical terms?
A:Attributive clauses
B:The dash or colon
C:Diagrams, models, and other visualization techniques
答案: 【
Attributive clauses
The dash or colon
Diagrams, models, and other visualization techniques

4、Which principles can you follow when prioritizing customers’ demands?
A:The value to the project
B:Customers’ situations
C:Creativity and flexibility
答案: 【
The value to the project
Customers’ situations
Creativity and flexibility

5、Which expressions can you use to describe a general trend?
A:It is clear/apparent from the figures/statistics that …
B:Overall/In general, there is an upward trend in …
C:The major trend in this graph is …
D:There are two/three/several major trends in the graph.
答案: 【
It is clear/apparent from the figures/statistics that …
Overall/In general, there is an upward trend in …
The major trend in this graph is …
There are two/three/several major trends in the graph.

案例四 单元测试
1、 What are the key parts of minutes?( )
C:persons absent
E:withdrawn motion
F:decision made
G:action items
答案: 【
decision made
action items

2、 Which is NOT the way to attract the audience’s attention when making a presentation?( )
A:Use a rising tone
B:Repeat key words
C:Speak without pause
D:Ask relevant questions
答案: 【
Speak without pause

3、Slides with paragraphs of text significantly decrease the attention of the audience.
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4、You should use long sentences at the start of a point to get the audience’s attention.
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5、Good minutes are concise and to the point instead of including all the information about the meeting.
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