
第一章 单元测试
1、单选题:In which of the following media can conservative voices most likely be heard in the US?
B:Fox News
答案: 【Fox News】
2、多选题:Chomsky is a very important intellectual figure in America in the following areas:A:linguistics
答案: 【linguistics;philosophy;history】
3、单选题:According to this passage, the function of a ‘filtering device’ in American universities is to remove:
A:people who internalize social norms.
B:people who are not hard working.
C:people who are not intelligent.
D:people who think independently.
答案: 【people who think independently.】
4、单选题:people who internalize social norms.
A:A five-percent increase in price will adversely affect the sale of this product.
B:There are no gender differences in the choice of tourist destinations.
C:Milk drinking is positively related with the height of children.
D:Power structures have a great effect on the media product.
答案: 【There are no gender differences in the choice of tourist destinations.】
5、单选题:Which of the following sentences is incorrect?
A:Some researchers think most American people would end up to lose under the new tax plan.
B:If he carries on driving like that, he will end up dead.
C:If you do not study for the exam, you will definitely end up with a poor score.
D:She fled with her family during the war and ended up in a remote village.
答案: 【Some researchers think most American people would end up to lose under the new tax plan.】
6、判断题:In the US, mainstream media is supposed to divert people with things like “professional sports, sex scandals, or the personalities and their problems,” according to What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream.
答案: 【错】
7、判断题:Dramas as a TV genre are usually fictional TV shows/programs that are about serious subjects or issues, unlike comedies that are created to make people laugh.
答案: 【对】
8、判断题:Carefully considering who you are writing for will have an impact not only on the content of your writing and the organization of your ideas, but also on the style of writing.
答案: 【对】
9、判断题:On a line chart, the x-axis is also called the dependent axis because its values depend on those of the y-axis.
答案: 【错】
10、判断题:The business research process is about learning everything possible about a company’s competitors and existing customers.
答案: 【错】
11、多选题:Chomsky is a very important intellectual figure in America in the following areas:A:philosophy
答案: 【philosophy;linguistics;history】
12、多选题:Chomsky is a very important intellectual figure in America in the following areas:A:linguistics
答案: 【linguistics;history;philosophy】
13、多选题:Chomsky is a very important intellectual figure in America in the following areas:A:history
答案: 【history;linguistics;philosophy】
14、多选题:Chomsky is a very important intellectual figure in America in the following areas:A:history
答案: 【history;philosophy;linguistics】
第二章 单元测试
1、单选题:All that Web 2.0 really delivers is more dubious content from anonymous sources, __________ our time and __________ to our gullibility.
A:hijacked, played
B:hijacks, plays
C:hijacking, playing
D:to hijack, to play
答案: 【hijacking, playing】
2、单选题:The Web 2.0 revolution comes __________ the cost of sacrificing truth and trust.
答案: 【at    】
3、单选题:These friends of multi–millionaire founder Tim O’Reilly are __________ unconventionally rich and richly unconventional __________ harbor a messianic faith in the economic benefits of the cult of the amateur and cultural benefits of technology.
A:not, but
B:not only, but also
C:as well, as
D:rather, than
答案: 【not only, but also】
4、单选题:My dream of making the world a more musical place had fallen on deaf ears; the promise of using technology to bring more culture to the masses __________ by FOO Campers’ collective cry for a democratized media.
A:has been drowned out
B:had drowned out
C:had been drowned out
D:has drowning out
答案: 【had been drowned out 】
5、单选题:A lie can make its way around the world __________ the truth has the chance to put its boots on.
答案: 【before】
6、单选题:Brexit is the buzzword __________ with the UK Government still failing to agree on an EU-Brexit divorce deal.
A:for everyone’s eyes
B:to everyone’s ears
C:in everyone’s mouth
D:on everyone’s lips
答案: 【on everyone’s lips 】
7、单选题:A negative mindset __________ your success and also your relationships as you don’t show up as the best version of yourself.
答案: 【undermines】
8、单选题:He __________ to his murder of Lord Barton.
答案: 【confessed 】
9、单选题:Even though John’s project was awful, I did not want to __________ his efforts so I went out of my way to pay him a compliment on his work.
答案: 【belittle】
10、单选题:The US real estate sector has been __________ by the financial crisis.
答案: 【decimated】
第三章 单元测试
1、判断题:“On National Prejudices” is a persuasive essay written by the Anglo-Irish writer Oliver Goldsmith in the early 20th century.
答案: 【错】
2、判断题:According to “On National Prejudices”, the author thinks that all European nations are citizens of the world.
答案: 【错】
3、判断题:Among the three words Spaniard, Dutch and German, Spaniard is the only word that cannot be used to refer to a language.
答案: 【对】
4、判断题:The author thinks that the gentleman’s remark about the characters of some European nations are ignorant and unfair.
答案: 【对】
5、判断题:It was the Greek philosopher Aristotle who proposed the concept of “the citizen of the world”.
答案: 【错】
6、单选题:Which of the following words means “showing an unreasonably strong desire to obtain and keep money”?
答案: 【avaricious】
7、单选题:Which of the following words is used in the essay as a positive description of the French people?
答案: 【temperate】
8、单选题:As Nicolas Sarkozy’s prime minister, he has been seen as a safe pair of hands, a calming influence on the _____________ president.
答案: 【impetuous】
9、单选题:Which of the following choices best explain what the underlined “which” in the following sentence refers to?I accidentally fell into the company of half a dozen gentlemen, who were engaged in a warm dispute about some political affair; the decision of which, as they were equally divided in their sentiments, they thought proper to refer to me, which naturally drew me in for a share of the conversation.
A:The gentlemen’s sentiments.
B:The political affair.
C:The gentlemen.
D:The dispute.
答案: 【The dispute.】
10、单选题:Which of the following choices is grammatically similar to the underlined part of the following sentence?Did these prejudices prevail only among the meanest and lowest of the people, perhaps they might be excused, as they have few, if any, opportunities of correcting them by reading, traveling, or conversing with foreigners.
A:Even if we did prevail, the legal fees probably would exceed the damages we might reasonably expect to recover.
B:They did prevail, and they were immediately ready to reap the benefits of that victory.
C:Did they prejudice against the black candidate during the election?
D:Had I known the killer escaped, I would not have gone for a walk in the woods.
答案: 【Had I known the killer escaped, I would not have gone for a walk in the woods.】
第四章 单元测试
1、单选题:Which of the following is NOT most governments’ practice to control monopolies?
A:imposing price controls
B:offering financial aids
D:breaking big corporations into two or more competing firms.
答案: 【offering financial aids】
2、单选题:Which of the following is NOT the reason accounting for economists’ change of attitude towards antitrust policies nowadays?
A:Antitrust laws can prevent many useful mergers
B:The anti-trust laws result in the worsening economic situation worldwide
C:Some anti-trust acts failed to increase competition
D:The monopoly can also benefit the economy
答案: 【The anti-trust laws result in the worsening economic situation worldwide】
3、单选题:Why did the Microsoft lobbyists warn that Europe’s anti-monopoly squad will now go after other technology firms with high market shares?
A:To protect the technology firms from the punishment of the European Court
B:To gain the public support for the next litigation by exposing the plan of the Court
C:To help the allies of Microsoft by providing more information
D:To discourage the EU from staying on the case by stoking fear among the technology firms
答案: 【To discourage the EU from staying on the case by stoking fear among the technology firms】
4、单选题:What is the major contention of Microsoft regarding the commission’s request to release the communication protocols of Microsoft?
A:It will greatly encourage competition which is a waste of social resources
B:It is an infringement of the intellectual property right of Microsoft
C:It cannot be realized within several years due to technical problems
D:It will harm the national economy in a long run
答案: 【It is an infringement of the intellectual property right of Microsoft】
5、单选题:Microsoft was accused of maintaining its Windows monopoly in two ways:
A:Charging excessive royalties and the bundling sale
B:The bundling sale and the technological lock-in
C:The technological lock-in and ruthless competitions
D:Variations in pricing and rebates in sales
答案: 【The bundling sale and the technological lock-in 】
6、判断题:The “leniency policy” adopted by European Commission encourages companies to hand over inside evidence of cartels to the local court, which effectively destabilizes the cartel.
答案: 【错】
7、判断题:“Pass sentence” means a judge decides that the defendant is innocent so the punishment like imprisonment can be passed or avoided.
答案: 【错】
8、判断题:In recent years, U.S. authorities enforce U.S. antitrust laws even against conducts occurring entirely outside the United States. Individuals and companies that have never set foot on the United States can still get involved in anti-trust litigations in the U.S.
答案: 【对】
9、判断题:The Clinton White House had sought to negotiate a settlement with Microsoft, but the effort was thwarted by the new Republican president in power who decided to pursue the case championed by Clinton.
答案: 【错】
10、判断题:According to the author, European regulators are unlikely to go after every technology firm with a big market share. One of the reasons is that there are not so many large computer platforms like Windows.
答案: 【对】
第五章 单元测试
1、判断题:Talking about the dangers of protectionism can prevent a trade war.
答案: 【错】
2、判断题:The rise of China and India raised deep concerns over export penetration in the U.S. and Europe.
答案: 【错】
3、判断题:Although America’s export declined 6 percent last year, China’s increased 9 percent.
答案: 【错】
4、判断题:Detroit’s Big Three were rescued by the U.S. government because they employed tens of thousands of Americans.
答案: 【错】
5、判断题:Since 1947 discrimination has been an issue discussed in trade negotiations.
答案: 【对】
6、单选题:______ is the trend that will politicize economic policy decisions.
A:The bailout plans to protect national industries
B:The global trade barrier
C:The massive intrusion of governments into national economies
D:The new fiscal stimulus plans launched to counter the economic downturn
答案: 【The massive intrusion of governments into national economies】
7、单选题:______ may lead to the most dangerous trade conflicts.
A:The new fiscal stimulus plans
B:Wrangling over traditional subsidies or tariffs
C:Filing a large suit against the subsidization of exports
D:Antidumping investigations around the world
答案: 【The new fiscal stimulus plans】
8、单选题:Are Asian countries faced with the same problem as Western countries in terms of protectionism? If not, why are they special?
A:No, because the possibility of competitive currency devaluations could be particularly acute among Asian countries, which collectively rely on exports for more than 40 percent of their GDP.
B:Yes, Asian countries are faced with the same problem as Western countries in terms of protectionism.
C:No, because Asian countries are not active as the Western countries in protecting their domestic industries.
D:No, because most Asian countries are developing countries and most Western countries are developed countries.
答案: 【No, because the possibility of competitive currency devaluations could be particularly acute among Asian countries, which collectively rely on exports for more than 40 percent of their GDP.】
9、单选题:The “monkey wrench” in the “Complex global supply chains crisscross the world, making discrimination on the basis of nationality a throwback to another age and a monkey wrench in the machinery of modern global commerce.” means ________.
A:The discrimination on the basis of nationality will be of some help to the modern global commerce.
B:The discrimination on the basis of nationality will completely destroy the system of modern global commerce.
C:The discrimination on the basis of nationality will greatly boost the modern global commerce.
D:The discrimination on the basis of nationality will be a hindrance to the system of modern global commerce.
答案: 【The discrimination on the basis of nationality will be a hindrance to the system of modern global commerce.】
10、单选题:“Meanwhile, there are straws in the wind.” means ______.
A:The global economy needs to cherish its one last chance to revive itself.
B:The air is filled with dried yellowish stalks from crops.
C:There are signs of future protectionist measures concerning the economy.
D:There are straws everywhere after people have their drinks.
答案: 【There are signs of future protectionist measures concerning the economy.】
第六章 单元测试
1、单选题:Which of the following items is NOT a common measure of economic sanctions?
A:Exchange rate manipulation
答案: 【Exchange rate manipulation】
2、单选题:Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about P5+1 countries?
A:P5 +1 countries include Japan, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States plus Germany.
B:The P5+1 countries are a group of world powers who are working on the Iran Nuclear Deal.
C:The countries include the five permanent members of the United Nations security council with the addition of Germany.
D:The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was reached between Iran and P5+1 in 2015.
答案: 【P5 +1 countries include Japan, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States plus Germany.】
3、单选题:Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about IAEA.
A:Iran’s nuclear program is not subject to the IAEA’s verification.
B:IAEA reports to both the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council.
C:IAEA is widely known as the world’s “Atoms for Peace and Development”.
D:The full name of IAEA is the International Atomic Energy Agency.
答案: 【Iran’s nuclear program is not subject to the IAEA’s verification.】
4、单选题:Attempts are being made to settle the dispute by _____ means.
答案: 【diplomatic】
5、单选题:There are ongoing ______ negotiations between the USA and China over trade agreements.
答案: 【bilateral】
6、判断题:The US will launch an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities.
答案: 【错】
7、判断题:Iran argues that its nuclear programs is for peaceful purpose only.
答案: 【对】
8、判断题:France and Germany are the two close allies of the US, while Russia often disagrees with the US.
答案: 【对】
9、判断题:Carpet-bombing the economy with a series of sanctions is a winning strategy.
答案: 【错】
10、判断题:European countries are reluctant to endorse more sanctions only because of their economic interests.
答案: 【错】