1.The university study follows a circular pattern because of the fixed boundary
of the knowledge.
A:错 B:对
2.The Time Matrix consists of 4 types of tasks categorized by priority level.
A:对 B:错
3. In order to overcome procrastination, students need to have realistic
expectations and evaluate whether they have perfectionist tendencies in
A:错 B:对
4.The students of arts tend to gather in larger groups in tutorials compared
with those of science.
A:对 B:错
5.Reflective skills may have influence on students’ professional practice in
higher education.
A:错 B:对
6.The CREAM strategy involves being creative, reflective, efficient, active and
A:错 B:对
7.Which of the following statements indicate the feature of university learning?
A:The students are encouraged to explore by themselves or in groups. B:The
students conduct more independent study. C:The students meet people from
different cultures. D:The students will be taught with a variety of teaching
8. To make sure that you can feel confident of delivering a professional
presentation that suits your style, you need to make 3 Ps------they are
A: planning B:preparing C:posturing D:practicing
9.The common types of reading assignment in the university include______.
A:required reading B:proofreading C:extracurricular reading D:recommended
10. Which of the statements are true about VARK learning styles?
A:Reading/Writing learners prefer to take in information displayed as words and
texts. B:Visual learners learn best by using graphic displays and videos.
C:Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn by doing things. D:Auditory learners
learn best by hearing information.
11. Which is NOT the meaning of the word“independent”?
A:self-directed B: self-controlled C:autonomous D:Not relying on
1. It can be inferred from the pyramid of learning that__________.
A:students have different learning styles B:intelligence is fixed at birth
C:praising effort is a much better way to motivate people to work hard and keep
D:lecture is one of the most ineffective methods for learning and retaining
2. Which of the following is the characteristics of passive learning?
A: You use surface processing. B:You link information to see how you can apply
it to different situations. C:You look for links between different things that
you discover. D: You read aloud when you proofread the essays.
3. What are you suggested to do before lectures?
A:Think about the strategies that have previously worked for you; B:Make a note
of any follow-up or extra readings or study resources; C:Talk to your fellow
students about what they picked up as the key points; D:Review your lecture
4.The signals and clues provided by lectures will enable students to ________.
A:identify the key points B: stay focused and avoid distractions C:improve the
listening skill D:understand the lecturer’s stance
5.What are you suggested to do during lectures?
A:Talk to your fellow students about what they picked up as the key points;
B:Think about the strategies that have previously worked for you; C:Review your
lecture notes; D:Engage in active listening and appropriate note-taking; E:Make
a note of any follow-up or extra readings or study resources;
6. What are you suggested to do after lectures?
A:Talk to your fellow students about what they picked up as the key points;
B:Find out anything you didn't understand. C:Engage in active listening and
appropriate note-taking; D:Review your lecture notes; E:Think about the
strategies that have previously worked for you;
7.If you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to, how will address
him/her in an email?
A:To whom it may concern, B:Hi, C:Dear Sir or Madam, D:Dear,
8. Imagine you are writing a very formal email to external readers you don’t
know well. Which of the following can be used for closing?
A:Respectfully yours, B:Cheers, C:See you tomorrow, D:Sincerely,
9.Some signals and clues can even be non-verbal.
A:错 B:对
10. In many subjects your participation in tutorials will be one item in the
A:错 B:对
11.“Attached please find…” is currently a popular and effective expression to
announce the existence of an attachment to the recipient.
A:对 B:错
第三章 单元测试
1、单选题: Which of the following is NOT the right way to use mind maps in
A:Creating a map of what you already know on the topic before adding new
information. B:Labeling each subtopic with simple key words. C:Drawing many
fancy and complex images or symbols. D:Using different colors to divide or
connect the information.
答案: 【Drawing many fancy and complex images or symbols.】
2、判断题: Good note-taking enables you to avoid unintentional plagiarism.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【对】
3、判断题: Note-taking can distract you from listening to lectures.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【对】
4、判断题: Listening actively during lectures is more important than reviewing after
A:错 B:对
答案: 【错】
5、判断题: Taking word for word notes during lectures makes them easier to
understand, remember and apply.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【错】
6、判断题: Notes taken while reading should not be selective because the key
information might be missed.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【错】
7、判断题: Cutting and pasting from online documents is one of the active
note-taking strategies which helps with keeping a record of sources.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【错】
8、判断题: When taking notes, it is also helpful to record your thoughts at the
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
9、判断题: Note-taking should be personalized and serves students' unique needs.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
第四章 单元测试
1、单选题: Which of the following is Not the key of the Socratic Method
A:Attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings.
B:Discussing over debate.
C:Inquiring over information.
D:Back-and-forth exchanging of ideas.
答案: 【
Attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings.
2、单选题: By mentally paraphrasing what other speakers say and retelling it in your
own words, you can ________.
A:be receptive to new ideas as well as points of view. B:test your understanding
C: evaluate what is being said D:identify the main ideas being discussed
答案: 【test your understanding】
3、判断题: The students can also act as leaders in Socratic discussions.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
4、判断题: In the Socratic method students will be sitting in two concentric
circles, with the inner circle and outer circle speaking in turns to each other.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【错】
5、判断题: Study groups should allow each student to share ideas and thoughts about
a particular subject.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
6、判断题: When you come up with an idea in group study, you may offer your opinion
right away. Reasons and support could be provided later.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【错】
7、判断题: Self-study could be always more efficient than study in a group because
there is less distraction.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【错】
8、判断题: Differing views should be respected in a group discussion because those
who hold them are not necessarily wrong.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【对】
9、判断题: It's always important to ensure the discussion remains relevant and
doesn't drift off topic.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
10、判断题: When you are leading a discussion in a study group, you need to make
sure no one dominates the discussion by inviting and encouraging contributions
from all participants.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【对】
第五章 单元测试
1、单选题: The structure of the presentation need to be clarified in the ________.
A:conclusion B: body C: greetings D:introduction
答案: 【introduction】
2、单选题: Pecha Kucha entails presentations of _______ slides.
A:30 B:10 C:20 D:40
答案: 【20 】
3、单选题: One single slide of Pecha Kucha presentations usually will be displayed
for _______seconds.
A:40 B:20 C:60 D:30
答案: 【20】
4、单选题: Steve Jobs was able to deliver presentations smoothly because ________.
A:he was passionate
B:he spent a lot of time preparing and practicing
C:he used short and impressive headlines
D:he was familiar with the products
答案: 【
he spent a lot of time preparing and practicing
5、单选题: How did Steve Jobs end his speech?
A:With great stories. B:With something inspirational. C:With a clear summary.
D:With the demonstration of the latest products.
答案: 【With something inspirational. 】
6、单选题: Imagine you are planning to interact with your audience with questions
during a presentation. Which of the following will make the interaction
A:Asking random questions that are not closely related to the topic of the
presentation. B:Inviting questions from the audience throughout the
presentation. C:Telling the answers immediately after the questions are asked.
D:Raising a series of challenging questions without answering any of them.
答案: 【Inviting questions from the audience throughout the presentation.】
7、判断题: The nonverbal communication is as important as verbal communication in
the presentation.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
8、判断题: If you feel nervous standing in front of the audience in a presentation,
you should tell them so as to get excused.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【错】
9、判断题: Besides Power Point, there are other types of visual aids.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
10、判断题: As a presenter, you need to adjust the content of your presentation
according to how much your audience know about the subject or topic.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
第六章 单元测试
1、判断题: When you scan a reading text, you normally know what information you are
looking for.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
2、判断题: We can skim the text quickly to get an indication of the scope and
content of the text.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
3、判断题: Active reading involves active note-taking techniques such as selective
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
4、判断题: SQ3R Method contains Skim, Question, Read, Relate, and Reflect.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【错】
5、判断题: Critical reading means identifying the ambiguities and flaws in the
答案: 【错】
6、判断题: Before you consider the argument of a reading, you should build up a
background picture of the reading.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【对】
7、判断题: Rereading is not a part of effective critical reading.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【错】
8、判断题: Reading effectively requires approaching texts with a critical eye:
evaluating what you read for not just what it says, but how and why it says it.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
第七章 单元测试
1、单选题: Which of the following is regarded as the wrong practice in reading
A:Pointing at each word with your finger. B:Letting your brain automatically
smooth over mistakes. C:Reading exactly what is on the printed page. D:Making
marks at places where something sounds wrong.
答案: 【Letting your brain automatically smooth over mistakes. 】
2、单选题: In the preparation stage of academic writing the first thing you need to
do is to ________.
A:talk to the teacher
B:choose a topic
C:determine a focus
D:conduct extensive reading
答案: 【
choose a topic
3、单选题: In _______, you need to writing your general topic across the top of the
page and then make a list of more specific ideas.
A:proofreading B: reviewing C:outlining D:brainstorming
答案: 【brainstorming】
4、判断题: Reading aloud is the better proofreading strategy compared with silent
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
5、判断题: Objectivity seems the hardest requirement of academic writing for
A:对 B:错
答案: 【对】
6、判断题: The students will definitely lose points because of grammatical errors in
the essay.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【错】
7、判断题: Critical writing help set the background that the argument can be
A:对 B:错
答案: 【错】
8、多选题: What materials in the following can serve as evidence to support the
thesis “this new teaching method has helped students learn more effectively and
A:Students’ own testimony.
B:Statistics showing that it takes less time for the same student to understand
the target materials than he previously did of a similar piece of material.
C:A contrast group that shows a student following the old teaching method not
doing as well as the tested student.
D:The causes behind this improvement of efficiency.
答案: 【
Students’ own testimony.
Statistics showing that it takes less time for the same student to understand
the target materials than he previously did of a similar piece of material.
A contrast group that shows a student following the old teaching method not
doing as well as the tested student.
9、判断题: The common idea that lies in the four patterns of reasoning mentioned in
the lesson is that to make our reasoning convincing we should use both reasons
and evidence.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
第八章 单元测试
1、判断题: In essay writing, you paraphrase the secondary sources but do not
document them as the ideas of other people. This is considered academic
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
2、判断题: You found that an assignment in your class is like the one you wrote for
another class. You decide to change the cover sheet and a few sentences in the
introduction and submit it. This is acceptable in university. You decide to
change the cover sheet and a few sentences in the introduction and submit it.
This is acceptable in university.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【错】
3、判断题: Allowing other students to look at your own work during an exam or an
assignment is considered an academic dishonesty.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【对】
4、判断题: Your teacher allows collaboration on assignments and encourages study
groups but still expects you to do your own work. You and your classmates
discuss the homework and portions of your final work are identical. This should
be ok because most of the work is your own.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【错】
5、判断题: You ask a friend, who is a good writer, to look over your essay. He is
glad to help and rewrites several paragraphs for you. This will not be
considered academic dishonesty.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【错】
6、判断题: You must always give credit for the ideas and statements of others, even
if you are citing your own teacher’s lectures.
A:错 B:对
答案: 【错】
7、判断题: Every student should be clear about the expectations of the university in
terms of academic integrity and the consequences of academic dishonesty.
A:对 B:错
答案: 【对】
8、判断题: Plagiarism often arises because of poor writing and research habits, such
as the inability to paraphrase and summarize, or losing track of sources and
A:对 B:错
答案: 【对】
9、单选题: What skills can NOT help to avoid plagiarism?
A: Paraphrasing B:Quoting directly C:Summarizing D:Submitting your previous work
答案: 【Submitting your previous work】
10、单选题: What is the meaning of the word “plagiarize”?
A:give citations
B:To use other’s opinions with crediting
C: To borrow the points from others
D:To steal other’s ideas
答案: 【To steal other’s ideas 】